Best way to get help?

It has been brought to my attention that have signs and symptoms of early schizophrenia. I’m not convinced, but wanting to find out for sure.

What do you suggest I do? I mean how do I go about getting checked out?

What kind of symptoms do you have? If they’re impairing your function you should consider seeing a psychiatrist. :sunny:


How does that work? Really not sure. Do I just call up a clinic and ask to see someone because I suspect I have schizophrenia? Or is there a better way?

(Trying to be useful…)

Go to NAMI site, you’ll find a lot of info there.


go see a shrink…early intervention…means a better outcome. :flushed:
cbt helps with social skills etc… :office:
take care :alien:


i was too far gone before i got help with my illness. My partner convinced me to go to the behavioral hospital. They diagnosed me there and suggested i sign up for Medicaid and social security. I have gone to mental health clinics since then on my own or with my partner’s help and got help. Some clinics make you do an intake evaluation then eventually recommend a psychiatrist to do a psych evaluation.

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