Sorry for posting many, but since the schizophrenia treatment in my country is really bad, I was looking for advice regarding a center for treating schizophrenia in the US? Preferably in a main city like New York for example. I’m looking for a holistic approach to treating schizophrenia that includes not just medication, but also counseling, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments.
Delaware actually has a really nice program for people under 21, I have a full team with occupational therapist, nurse practitioner, clinician, employment specialist, somebody who does the medication, its all free too
I need a big center for treating schizophrenia that takes a holistic approach to the illness. not just medications, but also nutrition advice, lifestyle adjustments…etc I say nutrition cause when you eat, you release dopamine which affects schizophrenia’s symptoms. I also found caffeine to badly affect my mood and schizophrenia symptoms.
“best” is always subjective - and “best” may also be most expensive… But I’ve heard great things about these groups: And it also depends what you want / need. The smaller centers are much more personalized - but also much more expensive.
Yes, caffeine will most definitely do so. Be careful with caffeine.
It’s all about finding balance in life, being off kilter will worsen your symptoms, but if you find balance it will help give your mind the space to heal.