Best quote from your therapist

What’s the best quote/advice you can remember your therapist giving you? Mine is- “dumb people don’t know they’re dumb”

Best thing a social worker ever told me was, "Gina, you can’t have what you want ". She was referring to my husband. They were strongly advising me to divorce him. Which I did.


“You’re a human being, not a human doing”


My therapist said the same thing to me every time I saw him: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”


Change is slow…if it comes at all.


You could try this move instead?

My therapist and I sometimes play backgammon. When I am having a bad day she basically has to think and move for me. Haha!



Hahah😭 That’s so funny @ThePickinSkunk


That’s by Deepak Chopra.


Not me but

that’s totally something my therapist would say


She told me to wear pants next time I see her or else she’s going to cut our time from 45 minutes down to 40 minutes.
I think she was being way too sensitive, but whatever.


“Did you graduate from Medical school?” Another one: “Well if that’s your fate…”

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You are what you are.

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One that stuck with me is “there are no should’s to life”

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“It’s your choice, but I would take the pill”

This was a Social Worker I had once who was trying to convince me to get on Abilify when I was Manic.

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My therapist said if you keep shoulding you’ll should all over yourself.



You’re better than I’ve ever seen you
Get out of here
And gets up and chases me out

This dr. only deals with meds so it’s rare to
get any social talk.

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Mine said “Just give me a moment please that was very emotional for me”
That was after I shared one of my episodes with her.
So I said don’t worry about it I’m over it.
Lol and I’m the one who’s trying to get therapy.

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Oh here was a great one when I told her I didn’t have any motivation to do anything.

She looked at me funny then said "Well why don’t you do something??? Just start doing things! Here’s a booklet for you to work in.

Yeah it’s that’s simple eh :smile: and yeah I totally had motivation to work through this giant booklet.

She loved the booklets. A booklet for everything.

I picture that oprah meme where it’s like You get a booklet! And you get a booklet!

The best thing about this therapist was she got me a great psychiatrist and got me in right away cuz she thought I had schizophrenia or schizofreniform


'You’ve been doing this for a very long time. You’re trying really hard. You work really hard. ’
That was when he barely knew me.
I swear he’s psychic

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I had an OT and she told me that if you sing to a lake, it cleanses the spirit. She even sent me a video of people in Japan doing it.

She was a ■■■■■■■ freak