Best appetite suppressants

My boyfriend will get the sleeve surgery this year. He is 125 kg at 175 height. He is not able to lose weight.
In your case, getting a new stomach is pointless… you will suffer more and maybe even not lose a lot of weight because you are taking antipsychotics. Sleeve surgery is another chance to get thin but if you start eating a lot again, you will gain weight again.

I take a few meds but my weight on the scale is not budging. Everyone is telling me I look slimmer though, so who knows. Geodon is a great antipsychotic medication to suppress appetite and motivate you.

I don’t think I could ever do surgery. I really know how to work out. I heard that you taste vomit all day if you overeat. And I will probably overeat.

I will look into Geodon thanks.

Oh I’ve been on Ziprasidone. I don’t think it helped with my hunger.

What about Lexapro? or Wellbutrin ?

Never tried Lexapro. I was on Wellbutrin and hated it. Lexapro sounds good from what I hear. But being depressed isn’t that big of an issue with me.

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Well good luck. If you can make yourself go to the gym, it will be the best. Ziprasidone has been my miracle drug I guess.

If you can work out on psych meds you truly are a trooper. I just can’t.

I am doing Bikram (hot yoga) I don’t like cardio much but when the weather gets warmer, I will go for long walks every day.

I’ve heard good things about hot yoga. I’ve tried jogging. I guess when I lose more weight it will be easier. My energy is an issue though.

I agree with @mermaid1 Geodon gives you very little appetite.

Caffeine also reduces my hunger.

If you feel hungry, try a glass of water. I read that sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. And water will fill your tummy up.

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I drink over 2 gallons of water a day. Thanks for the suggestions.


Oh, sorry.

Topamax worked to keep my weight ‘normal’ (pre a/p weight) for me.
Pdoc Rx’d it for me as a mood stabilizer along with my Abilify, Geodon, Haldol, and the rest of the A/p’s I’ve tried.
Didn’t realize it had kept my weight down until each time I ran out due to switching meds, my weight went up quickly.
I begged the pdoc to get back on it after a 30lb weight gain, so he agree’d.
Works great for me, but then again, Pdoc tells me I’m ‘upside-down’ on my meds.

Interesting. I’ll keep it in mind.

Some people use Metamucil (or something similar) and water to suppress their appetite. I suppose you could try chia seeds in water the same way. I think it just fills you up so you don’t eat as much. It doesn’t have any pharmaceutical effec, though…

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I’ve tried metamucil before. I didn’t realize that it reduces appetite. I’m looking at 300 capsules for 19 dollars or is there a better one to get?

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Geodon hands down lol. (Though that’s not an official suppressant…if you ever wanna try out a new AP…lol) I had NO DESIRE to eat on that med. I could skip meals with ease. When I did eat I ate very small portions, I had to force food down my throat having to get the required calorie intake with that med. It even completely took away my cravings for unhealthy foods. I lost 15 lbs in like a month and half. (Granted I was also exercising regularly at the time)


I think the powder is better. Unless you’re diabetic, I would recommend you get the one with sugar over artificial sweetener. Just like drinking diet soda, these are pretty bad for you and can cause bloating, even though they have no calories. Walmart has a cheaper store brand (Equate) that’s about half the price of real Metamucil. You can buy whole chia seeds, maybe chia powder (not sure) and these will probably have the same effect, without the sweeteners or any other artificial ingredient. I’m pretty sure you can get a plain psyllium husk powder, which is what Metamucil is made of. As i recall, the chia seeds and psyllium powders are cheaper than Metamucil, but I’m not sure. You just mix with a appropriate amount of water, maybe for good measure drink a little bit more plain water, a certain amount of time before you eat your meal. I could be wrong, but I think at one point I read about it on one of the bottles of fiber powder we had bought to help with my girlfriends digestive problems. Maybe you could do your own research on the net.