Benzos and girlfriends

I’m (still) trying to come off benzos. I took a benzo a night ago.

Here’s the thing, just before I took the benzo I had a real and growing desire to have a girlfriend. I took this as a sign of recovery also I’d been off benzos for about a month.

Now today, post benzo, I have absolutely no desire to have a girlfriend. Zilch.

I’m not sure which state I prefer to be honest.

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Hah that sucks man… kind of humorous though.

I’d prefer lack of desire to desire, unless there was a particular one in mind. (or more I guess)

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That exactly the way I feel right now. What’s the point in having an itch you can’t scratch.

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I think this is why recovery feels so paradoxical for a lot of people.


Is it a libido thing? Sorry if that’s brusk lol. I’ve been on benzos nearly 2 months now and have had no issues whatsoever. Donno how long you were on them or what your dose is though.

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I was on them for about a year, 0.5mg Cloneazapam a day. It’s more of an emotional thing than anything else. Before taking the benzo I had a desire to be with someone, share my life blah blah. Now I’m back to being happy as a hermit :smile:

But as I’m coming off them, I’d better find some way of getting used to the idea that this desire not to be a hermit will be there.

I’ve never heard on benzos making someone want to isolate themselves before. Are you sure it’s not psychological? Also good luck with getting off them, I hope to be doing the same soon myself!

the benzo can kill the libido slightly I think too… me, I want it too desperately to be with someone but while I remain unhappy it will be hard. I have to give, to learn to love again and to remain active. the most difficult for me now is to be active, its hard…

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Definitely not psychological. I admit it’s strange.