Believing I'm only breathing when I'm thinking about it

I don’t believe I breath unless I consciously make the effort. When I do breath, I worry about air pollution entering my lungs. I used to be able to breath very deeply and hold or sustain my breath for over a minute, having played wind instruments as a child. Now I think I hold my breath for ten minutes at a go normally, before I smoke again, and even then I don’t inhale right down to the bottom of my lungs or even much into my lungs at all, just my throat. I believe I must be breathing with my skin. This is all because of my smoking and air pollution and I’m not sure if its healthy or not, on the one hand I feel like I’m missing out on feelings and on the other I feel like I’m sustaining my body more efficiently.

The second you stop thinking about it, your body will breathe normally again.

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