Being schizophrenic , cannabis & love

i tried many times but cant that’s the problem…maybe i am supposed to be alone all life long haha

Just push yourself! Play the numbers game, the Universe will match you up with someone amazing eventually.

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That’s very kind of you to say that …Thank you…not for saying that but for believing it can happen…

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you’re wonderful! Look, we used to be revered back when. I think of myself as special,
nothing cut from the ol’ cloth.

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Thank you @Daze i know you are indeed special

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to tell you the truth these are some few imaginations or problems i have whole bunch of it which takes place in every aspect of my life even unconsciously also which i cant express it in words

yeah. You know, when I feel that way, or think that way, I try to find distractions. It can be anything, like PBS documentaries, or watching the birds, or playing with my dog.

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yeah i hear you, i usually use to distract myself with movies or listening music & then again it all comes back to me lol…i think i am just made my other half in my imaginations who is perfect & there is no human being as perfect everybody has it flaws which make them who they are but i had her perfect so when i compare my inner imagination with any other person it falls apart

not sure what you mean by imagination, but maybe everyone needs a better half at times,

but rather just compliment each other so it’s a team.

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i dont know whats a team is but i have all these preoccupations in my mind i mean i have some ways of showing my affection or gratitude to her in my own way i know that its takes effort by the two of us to complete but i want someone with whom i can share all my secrets my stupidness my idiotic jokes my sorrows & joys with whom i can be whole gain,i just wants a person who will stay by me no matter what as i would do the same courtesy towards her no matter what i don’t want a lover rather a friend with whom i want to fall in love…i know its pretty cheesy (haha) but i am a hopeless romantic from start

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