So once again I am feeling unsettled doing nothing. I am thinking about what I “should” be doing, being torn in two directions between reading and practicing t’ai ji. I don’t really want to do either at the moment, but think I “should” and that is making me feel unsettled.
I can’t do both at once, so have to do one after the other. I think I will do t’ai ji first, then reading.
So still feeling unsettled doing nothing, thinking about my dream of owning a TARDIS. I am literally thinking about what I would need to do to acquire one, whether I could earn enough to buy one, or build one myself. The problem is easily stated, how do I get a TARDIS, but difficult to break down into individual tasks that lead to the solution. All the steps I can think of seem to require enormous amounts of effort and not get me to the required solution in any reasonable length of time.
I should perhaps start with a less ambitious aim of getting a car. I have my first vehicle other than my body already, my foot scooter, and I need to practice using it. I’m still not very good, and have only really been out on it thrice (couldn’t resist using that word as I read an article that it has fallen into disuse).
The problem with getting a car is that I would have to change the way I relate to the system, and it is not clear to me in what way that change would have to take place. Universal Basic Income remains my preferred change, freeing me up to earn money how I choose, whilst covering the essentials. Once I had proved I could do that I would be in a much better position to get the necessary psychiatrist approval for me trying to obtain a driving licence. Then of course I would have to actually buy or make a car or be given one as a gift.
I still dream of practicing medicine of some form, and at the back of my mind is still the idea of becoming an ambulance driver. I’d probably have to start as a taxi driver though.
I can’t see any practical steps I can take to get nearer to any of these aims, other than reading more medical theory and improving the functioning of my main vehicle, my body.