Bein open about things

I try to be open about having a serious mental illness, and being on the spectrum . It’s not always easy,posting about it , though when you get people saying “Everyone behaves like that at times” which is further explained by “behaves like animals” . You call them out on it and they semi apologise only to then throw mention of religious fanatics,serial killers and terrorists into the conversation.


Being dismissive of a difficult situation is a very common way for a friend to react when you mention having one. I don’t think it’s meant personally, it’s just the only way they can think of to show support. I admit it probably gets old having people dismiss it though, if that’s what you’re talking about.

The dismissing/trivialising is one thing , but far worse is throwing in mention of behaving like animals and serial killers etc .

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I get the serial killer thing, that’s a real part of the stigma. I’ve never heard a schizophrenic compared to an animal though, that’s kind of insulting.

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I mentioned serious mental illness, but the thread was primarily about the autism spectrum . Even close relatives can be part of stigmatising things .

If my mother and I had a heated disagreement she’d often go into ‘Terrified mother whose homicidal manic son has just escaped from the lunatic asylum’ mode .


Is your mom scared of you @firemonkey?

Not now as she died in 2010 . However when alive she went into that mode often if we exchanged heated words .

Another, especially in the early years when she was still living with my father was to say “Have you taken your pills?” or " I think you’re getting ill again" . That was if I disagreed with her .

Did you mention with family member or casual friends.I kept my illness inside my heart,only close relative knew.I won’t be open to friends who I wouldn’t trust or strangers

Yeah. It becomes a thing people can use against you. I’m sorry you lost your mom.

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