Beginning to feel bit out of place here

I don’t know why.

Feel some people ignore me. Which is fine. I just don’t care much for those people either. Not trying to be dramatic, I’m just saying.

Also I have no serious symptoms anymore except anxiety.

I’m applying for part time work instead of full time because I think full time would be too overwhelming just atm therefore.

Is that me being a fraudster?

I don’t feel it is especially because I’m afraid of chronic anxiety related relapse, but maybe according to the system of the UK it is

Anyways going to call them tomorrow to ask for a change of circumstances booklet so that they have a record of it and can change my benefits how they see fit.


In addition I am working on my anxiety issue.

I am in group therapy and soon to be in one to one therapy too.


I think it is nice having you here. :grin::grin::grin:

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I don’t have any positive symptoms anymore but I’m still here. I dunno, up to you but we will miss you if you leave.

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Thanks, I like it here too, just feel a bit out of place but whatever lol!!

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You’re a valued member here!

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Thanks guys you’re all nice people…

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I’m sorry you feel out of place. That must feel bad. It’s good that you don’t have any major symptoms, neither do I. Yay. I love my meds for that. I’m glad you’re going into therapy for your anxiety, I hope it helps.


Thankyou Leaf x

I’m glad you’re doing okay…

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We’re all out of place. That’s what we all have in common.
No one is superior or better than you so don’t worry about it.


I think because I’m not anonymous it’s also a bit weird on here… But maybe with time I’ll overcome that.

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Thanks 77Nick77…,

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I don’t feel like myself on the forum.

It’s sort of frustrating. And ‘depressing’

Anyone relate?

Not saying I hate this place, did learn a lot here…

If you don’t complain and post super depressing stuff all the time you will be alienated on this forum
But stick around you’re not a fraudster, glad you’re not dealing with bad symptoms.
Yay for progress.

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I’ve gone through this too. Felt like a fraud, felt like I was faking something, felt people here just tolerated me, secretly wanted me to be gone.

None of it was true. It was all in my head.

In this place I’ve found a great tribe. People who helped me, not even just on my symptoms, but in navigating life. It’s my support group for the non-neurotypical.

I believe you have a place here. You will always have a place here. One of us.


Although I’ve been participating on the forums for over 2 decades, with a few small breaks,it’s only been since this forum software has been used that I’ve seen myself as more than a benign outsider providing news items.


Sorry I didn’t mean to sound so miserable

I was in a really terrible mood when I typed that.

I’m feeling better now

Its not such a bad thing to feel out of place on schizos . com


I had the opposite problem. I was a Pollyanna - thought everyone loved me when clearly, my constant living in the past and complaining about it was irking people. I’m starting to get it into my head that there are more appropriate ways to participate in this forum. :upside_down_face:

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