Were you bullied in childhood?
Did other people have too much influence in your life, while not really caring about what was best for you?
Both apply to me. Am I alone in this?
Were you bullied in childhood?
Did other people have too much influence in your life, while not really caring about what was best for you?
Both apply to me. Am I alone in this?
I was bullied all throughout my childhood. Other kids were bad influences on me.
Prep school-fairly mild teasing
Public school- severe verbal bullying
Being introverted/shy/non sporty/physically and socially awkward/ in a school where being a brash extrovert, with very good sporting ability, supposedly makes you a great person is a recipe for disaster.
Yeah, I got bullied a bit in my geeky teens at youth school. It got better at high school, people suddenly were acting in a more adult fashion, not throwing paper around in the classroom and other childish stuff.
I bullied a couple of kids when I was a kid. I didn’t know any better. Still, I feel bad about it. One thing my older brother’s friends did a few times was get me to beat up kids they didn’t like. I pretended I liked it, but I really felt bad about it.
Did you ever apologize to them?
No. Most of them I never saw again. There were a couple I could have apologized to, but the thought never occurred to me. I was only about 7 or 8 years old at the time.
You are sadly not alone. Both your questions, I can relate to.
Yeah I got bullied mainly in Middle School.
I was also a bit of a bully with the neighborhood kids when I was very young.
I was bullied at school, and I was neglected and abused at home.
But my parents have changed. They’re nothing like that anymore
I wasn’t bullied or a bully prior to onset. I had a great group of friends in elementary school, and while we teased each other from time to time, there was no malice. In middle school is when I began to fall apart, and I was yanked out of school, and by the time I got back, all these wild stories had circulated, I was in a new school system sans childhood friends, and everyone was afraid of me. Too afraid to bully me even. I barely even remember those years. There was this one nice kid, Landon, who was concerned about me and asked how I was every day. Nice kid.
When I was a kid I was bullied by some kids but I also bullied other kids calling them nerd etc Some of my friends were big bullies and did fights often, I didnt like to fight like them for no reason lol Although once a guy in gym class pulled down by shorts and boxers, I ran after him and did the same for him. I bet all the class saw our diks lol
I’m glad that your parents have changed.
I just realized its to him. My english needs to improve, its my 3rd language after French and Arabic.
I only know English fluently. My German and Spanish are very poor.
It is nice that you know three languages.
Yea I live in Quebec, its bilingual here, French and English but French is more dominant. It also depends on regions, ppl in the north may only speak French. Arabic is my natal language.
I was bullied all throughout childhood. It wrecked my life. I was bullied for years and this is one of the reasons why I do not trust my peers.
I wasn’t bullied at school except for some isolated incidents. Mainly older kids telling me to cut my hair because I had real long hair. Got called “hippie” and was threatened.
It was my friends outside of school who really bullied me at certain periods. I should have dropped them but I was insecure and didn’t feel liked so I showed up at their house every day because I had no other friends and didn’t want to be alone and got physically and verbally abused every day. It was pretty horrible.
If I had it to do over again I would pick being alone.
I was bullied a lot, all through grade school. Kids called me names a lot and made fun of me.
I had straight A’s through 6th grade. Then in middle school, my grades started to decline. Then in high school, I was failing almost every class. I dropped out in 11th grade, but I got my GED a year or so later.
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