Been up since 3:30am

Wide awake.

Can’t sleep.

Been up every hour.

This is ■■■■.

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Its 9:00 AM here just now woke up and had a shower.

I usually take shower before and after sleep.

Try taking shower before sleep.

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Funnily enough I actually did take a shower before bed last night. Oh well. lol.

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Im up as well but my sleep has been a mess for a month so i don’t know what to suggest other than a warm mug of hot chocolate lol

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Don’t have any hot chocolate. Just had my morning coffee though. Sorry to hear you sleep has been bad. I went through a phase once of very bad insomnia. It lasted quite a few years. I found it very hard to function because of it.

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With you having the kids you need your sleep really more important than anything so keep trying hun.
Im getting 9-12 hrs but at wrong times of day.
Im hoping to ring doctors at 8am because a cyst is back

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Thanks. I’ve just come back to bed. Hope I can squeeze an hour in before they all wake up.


Night hugz


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I hope you get in a good, refreshing nap

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