Been away for a while

i took a break from the forum for some months…
look away for a second and i see many new members :slight_smile: hello and welcome to anyone new.
i’ve been here about ten years now but left for about 4 months. i needed to do some serious house stuff and concentrate on my kiddiewinks…
my daughter is slowly getting better and has sarted college…wish i could say the same for my son. we are looking into correspondence learning over the internet instead of mainstream school as he’s not coping at all. #
i in my absence from here have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. the pain is sort of under control but it has severely limited my life…still a terrible sleeper…it;s 3am here and i’m just thinking of dozing for a while before i have to get my son up for school
nyway just wanted to say hi too the old members and welcome to the new ones :kissing_heart:


Hi : )
Its pretty quiet here tonight. I can’t sleep too and its 4am. Might try soon.

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Hi @jaynebeal,

Life taking its course here as usual. Looks like you took care of some important things, give your son some time to grow, you never know when he’ll snap out of it and focus on the important stuff. Sorry about the new diagnosis. I am not familiar with it… :worried:

Take care. :blue_heart:

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Just wanted to say hi and hope you had a good day :rabbit2:

take care :blush:

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