Became so quiet here, maybe America went to sleep?

Or something like that … I did not sleep at all last night and I am feeling ok …

Why didn’t you sleep last night?

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I did not want, rarely I do that, but last night I felt that I needed to write on the Internet …


I used to do that, stay up all night simply because I didn’t feel like sleeping. Last night I went to sleep early simply because I didn’t want to be awake anymore, could be why I’m already up at 4:40am. I just didn’t want to deal with the loneliness any longer, was feeling it horribly last night. I might go back to bed soon, I don’t know, or maybe I’ll just make some coffee and start my day.

I do not require rest.

I’ve actually been awake for thirty years straight, spirits replenish me without sleep, it’s fracking amazing to because you can get so much done and learn everything twice as fast.