Found this picture a minute ago on Bing.
Pretty crazy lookin. Crazy purdy lookin.
I should have probably put in the title or post somewhere that it’s moss with a waterfall coming out of it. A mossterfall.
Nice word, homes!
Yeah I met a person once who had a huge talent for puns. I got my pun-ness from him.
I like wordsmithing…
Neurostruct was the last one I can recall.
Neural structure
Your neurostructs are degenerating.
Fire phasers!!!
You know if you flip that around it would be structural and nobody would be the wiser.
Sensorium was another good one. The auditorium of the mind.
Randomity instead of randomness.
That’s about all I can recall.
I almost used exclusivity in a sentence the other day but went with exclusiveness instead because I wanted to maintain serious tone.
I like the concise ending of the “ity” versus the “ness”
Chimmy = cheese and tomato toasted sandwich
Sorry, I wanted to join in.
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