Beatles: did you know?

At their concerts a lot of the time they used to only play for 20 minutes.
In comparison, Bruce Springsteen used to play for three or four hours. Could you imagine Pink Floyd, U2 or Aerosmith getting on and giving just 20 minute concerts? The fans wouldn’t stand for it.


Yeah it was common for the time. Pink Floyd got famous early for playing 1 song for an hour…the 70’s really did push the boundaries of time length with prog rock and stuff like the Floyd. A reason punk was such a revelation at the end of the seventies.


Hey sorry to cut into your conversation @rogueone and @77nick77,

Sorry for being an ass to ya @rogueone, hope you accept my personal apology.

No need. I think there’s probably others around here you need to apologize too. I’m old and don’t come here to fight. It’s all good. I am practicing non confrontational behavior. Peace.

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Yeah you’re right. I’ll make a thread about it instead.


I love the Beatles. Did you see the movie “Yesterday” I recommend it.

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I can sing a long to a few Beatles songs, not because i am a fan, but because i hear them on the radio all the time. I learned the songs like eating spaghetti with a fork. Its essential music like Bach,Strauss, Mozart.

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That’s a recent movie isn’t it?

Yes, but it has to do with The Beatles, it’s great.

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