Basically every cop movie when the young cops report to the chief cop (warning adult language)

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Talk about awkward dialogue.



hahaā€¦donā€™t think anyone got an oscar for that one! :slight_smile:


The best bit is right at the end. You just know the captain is waiting for the director to say ā€˜cutā€™ but it never came. lol

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I want to buy this movie now. :laughing:

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Trust me it is worth it!

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Have you ever seen Rabid Grannies J Bob?

Itā€™s a Troma release.

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Not seen it! Great title though

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Yo montmeister. Was looking up rabid grannies when I came upon this cronenberg flic

Looks legit

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Rabid is top shelf! Marilyn Chambers used to be an adult movie star, and she tried to turn her career around with acting in Rabid.

Sadly, I donā€™t believe her legit acting career ever took off.

But Rabid is a lot of fun. It contains a lot of the common seventies movie tropes of Cronenbergā€™s style. :slight_smile:

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Nice one! Have just put rabid to the top of my rental list. Very excited!

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Kick ass! :slight_smile:

I think itā€™s available on Tubi here in the states. I was meaning to watch it one night but got sidetracked.

I might watch The Haunting tonight, show my bluray player and TV a little love. :wink:

Do you ever check eBay for horror DVDs?

Sometimes people sale off huge chunks of their collection for dirt cheap.

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Got troll 1 & 2 on Blu-ray from eBay. eBay has a lot more obscure stuff compared to Amazon

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Haha!! I only have Troll 2 on DVD.

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