Barcelona Vs Chelsea is coming on

It’s a big game… are you all up for it. @TheBest @anon20613941


@karl Are you up for it mate… how do you feel tonight after United’s loss? :rofl:


I’m excited I can’t wait.


Really excited about the game. Just watching the Bayern demolition of their rivals at the moment.


Barcelona have the advantage because of their away goal in the first leg

Yeah… Bayern are too good for Besiktas


True that 15151515

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You said you had an appointment how did it go?

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It was just with a case manager and I had to get a shot as well. Everything went well.

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Good to know that it went well.

Alright… I’ll be back in some time… gotta take a cig break.

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Thanks. She said I shouldn’t be so hard on myself about my negatives and that I’m doing well. An unmotivated person wouldn’t lose a bunch of weight or read a bunch of books.


But I read books all the time… I guess it’s different with different people. I agree with the weight part though.

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@anon20613941 the Baryern came on a channel I have to pay extra for. Was it a competitive game at least?

I for one won’t be watching any of these pansies masquerading as men…



that is my least favorite part about soccer. the constant flopping like a fish and faking hurt to get a call

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I don’t like it, but I still think soccer match is fun to watch.

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I am back brosky… gonna be a great game

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I think Barcelona has this. I could be wrong though.

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Wow, I want to see the game go into extra time. Hopefully Chelsea answers.

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Chelsea have always been underdogs in this fixture… they played Barcelona before as well and came out on top… so hoping that it will happen again… but they have to score if they are to go through.

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