Band Song: Undone

This was my Opus to the grunge movement. If it sounds like Soundgarden, thank you for the compliment. All my drop D stuff is inspired by Soundgarden. This song was written 25 years ago, just recorded recently

Listen to Undone by Fairweather Beggar on #SoundCloud

@zwolfgang @Jonnybegood @daydreamer


Definitely sounds like the title “undone”. Appropriate name. Them riffs….

It sounds to me more like kiss at some points haha Idk if you like kiss. I’m sure soundgarden was inspired by them a bit tho.

It’s like a cycle/circle of inspiration. Music.

This song

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Hey man, I love KISS, I grew up on them. Listening to Ace Frehly’s leads is actually how I learned to play lead guitar myself. He’s not flashy, but very tasteful

I love, love, love the Soundgarden album, Badmotorfinger. The material is Brilliant and the sound has such Edge

@Jonnybegood this is one of my all-time favourite Kiss songs. This is also one of the very first leads I taught myself. It took me days and days to figure it out LOL

Dude this is sick!! Definitely my type of jam

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Thanks @Moon !! More to come :grin:

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I really love this :slight_smile: idk how you made it sound so professional, its great, we have a drummer coming in to college tomorrow and i’m a bit nervous, idk what we are going to do with him/her but probably recording some stuff.

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@daydreamer thanks, I’m glad you liked it. It’s taken me a few years to get good in the studio, you should hear some of my earlier recordings LOL. Sounds like dogshit

That’s cool you’ve got a drummer coming in, hope you have a lot of fun and find some things to talk about together

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