Bad boys use sun tan lotion

with uv protection haha. :sun_with_face:


I need to tan in my backyard when its hot enough, its still under 10C here.

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I never used sun tan lotion, but been years since I tanned

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what’s a typical high temperature for the summer where you are? i forget are you in quebec or ontario, i think you said you speak french, so maybe you’re in quebec. i’ve always wanted to visit montreal and quebec, in the summer of course.

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In Quebec, in the summer it can get too hot, some days are around 43C with humidity factor. Its pretty humid here in the summer and I don’t like humidity, I use a wall AC in the summer.

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whoa that is pretty hot, i had no idea it got so warm up north. we tend to have some humidity here anywhere from 40% if it hasn’t been raining or up around 80% when we get a summer rain. i grew up here so im used to it. when i had long hair the humidity made my hair curl up in the back when it was long. i don’t do as well in the heat now that im on meds as i used to, i used to work on a golf course in 90 degree heat and i remember one day i wore a dark green fleece longsleeve all day in the middle of the summer and was fine.

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