It never ■■■■■■■ ends. ■■■■ microsoft word for not cooperating with my ideas.
But my classes are legit, especially crisis intervention. Totally good to know we are handled by the police. Did you know that my city, Memphis, is like known for the Crisis Intervention Team? That’s what my instructor said. I think she said the guy who invented it did it here.
Research is sort of a pain in the ass, like I said, microsoft word isnt ■■■■■■■ cooperating with my ideas which it can’t handle or some ■■■■. It’s just an ass ton of likert scales and the damn thing wont make a table without the ■■■■■■■ lines and when I followed the infallible Google’s advice I mean authority on how to delete them, it deleted the entire thing. I then used the magic undo button.
Biology is heavy on the evolution. Yay.
Sociology of deviance is hilarious
Biology lab looks like ■■■■■■■■ but I havent been yet
It beats laying on my bed bored out of my mind.
Who else is starting back? What’s up with you guys?
I started last week. I’m only taking two classes though. Class is rough. I’m so not used to studying hard or for very many hours, and this one class is taking everything out of me, and I’ve only started like last week.
If you’re having trouble with Word check out YouTube. Sometimes it helps to watch someone else do it. You can change the table from one of the tabs that highlights when working on the table, I think it’s under format. There’s also software you can find, a lot of times for free, and create a screenshot of it. Good luck with school. 
With me, I have low amounts of physical energy. You sound highly energetic. I wish I had some of that spark, for I only get them on occassions and they are never consistent.
I’m never going to school, though. I have dreams of being in a university and I am always tardy & non-compliant on assignments. I tried to be perfect in elementary, middle, and high school and was pretty close, yet it brought me nothing.
you will ace it 
take care 
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You’ve hit your stride man. You’re even coming down the mountain.
You’re a winner man. Real god damn champ. I’ve seen the glimpses of your chaos through your words. These people don’t even know what you are.
We do. You’ll hit them like a storm. The real world needs that.
My classes start on the 8th of Sept.
Got registered… got the books… botany and horticulture…
Trying not to over think it… don’t want to get myself wound up before hand.
My “Gender Roles And the Media” class doesn’t start until Sept. 21st. I’m looking forward to it. I
was worried that my GPA was less then 2.0 (I failed a few classes) but I discovered last month that my GPA is 3.0!!! Surprised the heck out of me and renewed my resolve to keep doing the best that I can.
I don’t regret having gone to college. To an extent, I was so sick with schizophrenia that it was not a good deal for the price, but I gained insight into how things happen. For example, I was in trouble a lot in college. I found out, when one is in trouble, one sits in the office of someone who has the power to help get oneself out of the jam one is in.
My thesis is progressing not that fast, but steadily. I’ve been working on it during the summer and it will take just under a month to finish the last two chapters I think, then I will have to revise everything to make it more consistent. I can be defending it in two months. Some conceptions have changed a bit along the way so I will have to return to earlier chapters and adjust some terminology. Also some restructuring may be required, in one chapter, I will have to reverse the order of how the argument is presented to make it more readable.
As for word, I have quite the opposite problem that you have. Word is working fine for me, for I basically present only text. But my program requires the thesis formatted in LaTeX, a program typically used by mathematicians and maybe physicists. It is slightly different from word, for it is not quite a ‘what you see is what you get’ text editor, but rather requires you to code the whole layout of your paper or thesis. This gives you a lot more options and it will look great if done properly, especially if you’re going to use formal symbolism like formulas etc. (which are horrible in word). But it also lets you compile graphs not so much as pictures, but you enter the function and it will compute the graph itself such that in pdf format, they always look smooth, even if you size up or scale down the picture of it. I won’t be exploiting these features though, so for me its a bit of a pain to look into the programming again which I have become a bit sloppy in.
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