Back in the Saddle

I’m back…

This was new tune back in 70s when Aerosmith came out with Rocks, and never forgotten

I have been UN diagnosed from SZA, off meds for years and never on them… as you know i have advocated against them and psychs for years, never meant to offend anyone or people truly in need (I HAVE MET MANY WHO NEED MEDS!!!), but I have been through the mill…
hopefully some will remember me…I have chilled quite a bit, and some will hate me or love me, and some will at least enjoy the song…

Loke i have officially been undiagnosed, recovered, and no need of meds for like 2 years…woop weehoo yaya

and it goes into Nazareth hair of the Dog which is like 1980, never mind, long story and way to close to someone i could never have, abducted by military and never to be seen again (Rachel)

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Come on people, believe in love, and take a lot of pain…I listened to this song with my first real girlfriend Rachel in 1980…I had never had sex before and never had sex with her…yet we knew we loved each other and said love and sex hurts…it was strange…it was eternal…she caressed my thick hair which is now faded and i lay between her kegs in her hot spot and no lust, just understanding…just knowing…well i know it IS true, and we sang that together, me and Rachel…NO ONE ever understood it was never about me and anyone else…i always 'rplaced" rachel with someone, through marriages and divorces, and a couple LTRs…it was always Rachel I loved… a girl i never had sex with but we were so close, holding each other doing mescaline in cars, drinking in mu partment and getting thrown out LOL, and when i got in that accident with another girl in 81 it was rachel only who kissed me and loved me and even paid for the grinder when i had lost my wallet…we were one, and thios song many a time sealed it and she said and i said always remember…
i have no idea if she is alive, dead, or killed in some navy maneuver…all i remember is

I’m young, I know…I lEARNED from you…not sex, not anything else, just real stuff u told me man, when i was a kid…some fools think, yeah…yeah…10 year marriages and a couple 2 -3 long term relationships, yeah i know…ooooo ooo love HURTS yeah. come on rachel where are you??? damn that haunting guitar at end says you are gone and lost, went off to never never land, nope…i will trust God it isnt true…
Rachel Marcelli!

Welcome Back @e_lunaseer :slight_smile:

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US tank Commander to Russian tank commander
:We are ready to shoot"
Russia “Why? we can too”
“YOu, um idk, really…government orders”:
Russia "Kind of same, its stupid…you are in our former territory"
US tank "Yeah, got some vodka?"
Russia "Da! Commrade, world war 2 ally , yes?

American: Agreed, i have some brandy and cigraettes, lets be frieds…
Ameica…we stop war now, we have too much in common…
Russia, we have many things you like and and you like many things of us, da?
American: agreed
etc etc,

I buy my salmon from Russia so dont mess around, no WW3…

I’m sick as a dog and this is my story.

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