Just wondering if a lot of people are bored and at home doing the ‘hanky panky’…and we may see a spike in births at the beginning of next year.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and I think you’re right.
I heard someone suggest that there might be a spike in divorces as well.
Never thought about the divorce aspect…the wife being used to her own space during the day…but now has husband around full-time…
They might call them the Corona boom and the Corona bust.
I was just thinking about that! It’s called Covid 19, right? Perhaps this new wave of babies will be called …
Gen 19
Eh? Huh??
I’m 54 years old.
If I live long enough, a Gen 19 will probably be attending to my needs in an Old Folk’s Home down the road, I figure.
I’m calling my kid a quaran-teen.
Ive also heard the term Coronials
I’m going to custom make a T-Shirt for my girls when this all blows over.
"I was a 2020 Quaran-Teen"
My guess would be Yes.
lol. Only one thing to do in isolation, really.
I think its the opposite. Having a child in the middle of this corona crisis is a mess. Hospitals are full of infected patient and you risk infecting your baby and your family. Plus you need babies items like pampers etc Corona might last over a year.
Actually, now that I’ve thought about it for a spell I think a great name for this next wave of Covid 19 babies would be…
Generation Q
With the Q standing for ‘Quarantine’.
Spare time. Everyone home. The future is blurry. I’m on the quaran Teen vote. People are people and if I’m working from home I’m doing the deed if I was in a relationship. Bound to happen
Also the chances of having a kid who becomes schizophrenic increases 15% when the Mother is exposed to a virus in the first trimester along with other things that can happen. However let’s face it. When young folks are bored certain things happen whether it’s a good idea or not.
I have a feeling a jokster on YouTube is gonna post a COVID-19 baby boom manifesto and it’s gonna go viral.
I should spread my seed around the globe. the world could use a gift in these troubled times