I was complaining to my therapist that my meds are always screwed up and it was a frustration I was having. I of course didn’t stop to consider the fact that my therapist is also a supervisor over there at mental health. Well she put her supervisor hat on and said she wanted to notify the nurses supervisor of all the mistakes. She said it was important because other clients might not catch the mistakes and take the wrong medicine. I said ok, but could my name stay out of it and she said no. My nurse’s supervisor would need to talk to me. I have to see that nurse today to get meds and I’m afraid she’ll be mad at me for turning her in. I like her personality, she’s sweet, but she just messes up so much. I hope she’s not mad.
Who cares if she’s sweet. Getting meds right is a life or death job. You’re doing the right thing.
Oh @everhopeful she’s really going to hurt someone if she doesn’t start getting this right. Some of these meds are dangerous.
Good job on reporting that!
You have to be an advocate for yourself. Who cares if she gets mad.
You did the right thing @Leaf
Totally in the right reporting her, she sounds unsafe to practice, that needs to be addressed.
It’s not selfish to practice self care, and advocation for your best treatment.
You did nothing wrong.
In fact I’ll tell you a story when I had to confront a fellow nurse.
I was doing rotations on an acute care ward. Mostly elderly patients. Other nurse I’d worked with a few times, always seemed nice enough, got along with her.
One day about halfway through our shift she just starts to seem odd. Slurring her speech, stumbling, nodding off. She tripped down the hallway and couldn’t get herself up. We got her into a chair and her eyes are blow wide dilated. Cant even keep her head up.
We called the ambulance and they hit her with an opioid reversal. After I wrote my report on the incident, and audits were done, turns out she had been stealing fentanyl patches and had overdosed right on the floor.
Again she was a nice enough person, but she was unsafe to practice. It wasn’t fair to the patients.
No. You did the right thing by telling. Giving people the wrong meds is dangerous. It could even be lethal. There’s a reason we need prescriptions from a dr. Don’t feel bad. She should apologize to you for screwing up your meds.
remember she got mad at me last week for telling her the wrong meds were in there? I can’t even imagine how she’ll react to this. But I’ll just ask for a different nurse if she says anything.
Yes. Ask for a different nurse for sure. I would have already, regardless of what she says
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