Avolition a Negative Symptom

I am beginning to do something, particularly on this computer, and I suddenly don’t want to do it anymore. I have to stop and turn away and lie down. This passes after a while and then I am free to do whatever I want to do again. A negative symptom because the volition is not there. This is an annoyance now, not something major. It removes blocks of time I might be doing something positive in. I’m losing time to the symptom. It’s a symptom of what? A symptom of schizophrenia. Some part of my brain is malfunctioning. There’s nothing I can do it about it. No pill I can take. My old CBT spot tells me to “Move the muscles and the mind will follow.” I’m going to overcome it that way???

Avolition is one of my major problems too. But so is lack of ability. It’s like a double whammy. If I get up the motivation, it’s like ‘well you won’t be able for it anyway’.