Auto correct thoughts

Type a letter, then start choosing the center auto correct option.

I’m going on a date for the psych test today but I’m still not going on a diet


I wrote a poem about it ! Hah !


E.g. if i was delusional thats not a big deal to get help with med munchies and they bring up salaries i might tell them to follow my blog post about a week wouldnt cover some pretty pretty cool bday and wants to spend it with plastic surgery to remove the forrest yoga and meditation…



The iPhone recently had a glitch that “I”. Would autocorrect with nonsense characters.
They eventually patched it.
But I had to make sentences about other people, but not I. :wink:

yeah working on my thoughts. @katwomansz my I often auto corrects to U so when I’m telling someone I it’s saying U, not very good. lol

I will be there at the same time I don’t have a car so I can get the money to you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year to you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year to you and your family


I hope you gain control of your thoughts. I know it is hard. I lost that control. But now God is in control so I worry less now. It just took me years and years to learn this is how it works.
Peace to you @finally

@katwomansz I was literally talking about my phone auto correcting from I to U but thank you for your kind thoughts. :slight_smile:

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