I’m trying to find out if I can take Sumatriptan when I’m on Asenapine, but I can’t find anything conclusive I understand.
Can someone help me?
And what are the risks?
Does anyone know?
All I can find is it might increase the risk of serotonin syndrome. But by how much will it increase?
I really need help figuring out how much time I should put between the sumatripran and the next dose of asenapine!
Do you need it for migraines?
Yes, it’s a serotonin affecting migraine medication
Aren’t these prescription? Better ask a Dr or a pharmacist.
In a lot of countries they’re not
I don’t believe we have those meds in my country, but I know I was previously put on 2 meds that could cause serotonin syndrome when combined. My doctor just monitored me closely for the first month, and when I did not react he said it was safe to continue. In my country, you can go to the pharmacist and ask these questions. Is it similar over there?
Probably, but I don’t speak Latvian or Russian
This seems to say there is no known interaction, but it is not an exhaustive resource.
where are you living @Pikasaur ? In Latvia? Did you move there? Where were you from first?
I’m Scandinavian. Spent a year in Greece, then a month in Romania, and now I’m in Latvia
for your work? 151515
Yes, I got a job offer and decided to pursue it