when I was psychotic for 3 years and hearing voices all day they drove me crazy but I still was obsessed with listening to them and responding to them. I was living through a period of social isolation and my voices became a part of my social life I guess.
anyways now that im on meds, I have days I hear nothing, but when the voices do come back, usually at night, it for some reason relaxes me and I feel comforted that I am not cured. I don’t know why, this is probably a strange psychology to enjoy the voices, but when it’s moderate like this I like it a bit and want to think there is something paranormal going on instead of mental illness.
Hi here you experinces are very common within hearing voices circles, I think isolation tends to make you subvocalize more to yoiurself, and as a result they (voices) tend to be more chatty in response, though it is normal to talk to your self (inner speech) when living through patchs of isolation, hence at nighttime they are more noticable, though try not to be groomed by them into giving a response back, as they as in my experince could start to use dark subject matter aiming to trigger you or plough through your past looking for an anchor to keep you up all night.
You can use headphones for the nightime or herbal drops as they settle you down.
I like my voices as well, they can be very positive. I include them in my support group. Although, when I was in full psychosis sometimes it was overwhelming. It wouldn’t stop even when I was tired. It was like having a TV on that only I could see through my eyes viewing constant footage and commentary. I called it dreaming while awake.
I named mine BapApp, as the 24/7 thing carried on even when I was defecating , and having some strange experinces of being followed around by smart phone users in public spaces.
I also feel a little hit of oxytocin when I get faint voices mostly when I’m stressed, reminds me I’m sz. And it gets even better hit when they stop. Let’s me know I have it good that they only come when I’m stressed