Arms sales make no sense to me

why would you want to improve another countries military?

When you have nukes and an ocean lies between you and the other country, you don’t care how many shotguns or hand grenades you sell. Easy money and zero risk.


Im sure they dont sell to enemies.


An interesting point, but arms sales is a big business and for example Russia sells a lot. The USA is probably the biggest seller.

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Yeah, all about the dough.

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There is a lot of money involved, and a lot of jobs in the home country are involved too. Also, it is a way of supporting regimes we like and putting pressure on regimes we don’t. Our morals often take a back seat to the dollars in these transactions.


They 100% do, sadly, and keep getting shocked pikachu face when their enemies use the weapons they bought from them against them.


Idk never heard of US and Russians selling weapons to each other. Or US and Iran. Maybe there is different news sources.

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I guess it happens with ISIS and others. Also sometimes allies become ennemies

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They made a good film about arms trading. I remember it had Nicolas Cage in it. I think the title was Lord of War?


Here in the news recently there was guy in university who tried to import a container full of weapons from the US. He got arrested. I guess he thought he would make lots of money.


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