I worry about everything from possible poll violence to party leaders not accepting the election results. I worry that it will lead to Civil War. Do you think I’m delusional?
Lots of people are worried about a possible civil war.
I’m not sure, but I’m apolitical so is there any way I can wave a neutral flag during a possible civil war?
No war, you are too peaceful, i dont like your Guns though.
No, that’s a common fear. I think the solution is not to worry. I voted absentee ballot and dropped it in the mailbox. I’m trying to keep my political beliefs more private.
A lot of people are worried about a civil war right now. I think it’s a real possibility, and it scares me. I don’t think it is delusional at all.
I think the whole election system in the US is rigged. And has been for a long time now.
Definitely not an unfounded concern. Things are pretty tenuous right now.
Definitely a concern.
You are not being delusional.
Ok. I’ll be the only one here to tell your delusional.
I have these delusions of Russia. Russia poses a greater risk to us than we pose to ourselves. Trust me, your thoughts are irrational.
As my pdoc says, his job gets harder and harder every year, because things that used to be delusional are now real concerns.
@Ninjastar did you take my post away? Did I say something wrong?
I did take it away. It is now considered very offensive to refer to people as “the blacks” or “the whites” because it reduces people to only their skin color. I figured you didn’t know that but I also couldn’t let it stand as written so I removed it without flagging.
Oh wow! I didn’t know that was offensive! So sorry
Even i, from Europe, am concerned about everything around the USA elections, race wars. The political preferences of a large part of the American people are also difficult to understand from my perspective or that of people i speak to here in Europe. It feels unpredictable.
It’s okay. We learn more every day. I only recently found out that the term “jipped” in reference to getting the short end of a deal is actually a slur against Romani people. I felt so bad when I found out, because I had thought it was just a word. But it is based on a slur and the harmful stereotype that Romani people are thieves.
It’s really scary to me now the prospects of a civil war in the U.S based on reading this thread!
Because we don’t speak of that in my household.
You are not delusional @Blizzard. Your concerns are valid and realistic considering the current situation in the U.S. Many share your concerns.
My approach has been to do what is within my control such as to vote and, if possible, to vote early (which I did). I also try to limit my worrying about things that I cannot control (which has been very difficult considering that I am a chronic worrier).
I have some Romani ancestry but it’s not often spoken of in my family due to racism. A shame but I’m determined to learn what I can about it on my own.
I doubt anything will happen.