Are you vegetarian or vegan?

Are you and if so what are your reasons for becoming vegan or vegetarian also do you have special dietary needs for example you have celiac disease or IBS. Tell me your story?


I’m not but they feed animals so much crap before they butcher them that it wouldn’t be a bad idea. Also I’ve heard treatment of animals is in humane. I’m not a PETA person but I also don’t like the way they treat their animals. I believe in helping humans verses helping animals.


I used to be vegan. I had health issues that improved with that diet. But my husband and stepdaughter are meat eaters. So I just eat what they’re eating to save money and to not have to always make 2 meals


I used to be a cook at a hospital for awhile and they paid for me to attend culinary school. I never graduated but I learned a lot. I attended a nutrition class when I got the idea that being vegetarian might be better for me health wise.

I tried it for a while and then I also got a pet rabbit. I thought about my rabbit, and how in a lot of ways this small animal was not that different from a chicken. Or how a dog was not far from a pig etc. And I thought I don’t want to eat anything with a personality.

I was pescatarian at first, eating fish sometimes, then I went vegetarian. I tried veganism but I’m addicted to cheese. I’m still a little overweight but my blood work is always good.

One of thing I’ve learned from being vegetarian is to not expect anyone who’s never considered it to understand it. This includes family. My mom asks me on holidays to eat turkey and it burns me up. I prefer having dinners with other vegetarians because they don’t assume I can live off bread or just bring my own food.

But I like it. Thanks for asking.


I’m vegetarian, the production of meat is one of the biggest cause of pollution and exhaustion of natural resources.


Ä° m kind a vegetarian.i love all kind of boiled vegetables especially broccoli brussel sprout and cauliflower with tomato soup and gouda cheese with french fries.i really love taste of boiled vegetables. turkish cheeses usually very salty and texture and taste very stressful to consume.and impossible to find good european cheese in turkey(well maybe in istanbul in super duper expensive shopping malls)i can find turkish brand gouda cheddar edam but all of them taste look same not like european brands.


I am on a vegan diet for the animals and environment.

Animal agriculture is the biggest polluter and I believe the animals suffer and often get treated badly and have bad quality of life and horrible death sometimes even boiled alive.

Strict vegans call me a hypocrite because I feed my dog meat and wear second hand wool and leather and ride my horse but I try to be as cruelty free as I think I can.

I wear vegan make up, vegan shampoo etc

I take vegan supplements too .

I have been on a vegan diet for over a year.

I left a perfect home and family with my x and girls to become vegan because he wouldn’t “allow it”.

I pray to be on a vegan diet for the rest of my life.

I am a member of peta, animals Australia and animal justice party but my peta member ship needs renewing but I’m upset with peta because I bought stuff from their shop and never got it and never got receipt though money was taken from me.

I’m not as strict as peta.

Like I said I’m not considered a vegan because I ride my horse , feed my dog meat and wear second hand leather and wool.


Ä° heard that one kg cow meat to produce there 13000lt water consumed

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I have a app called the Cowculator.

It says I’ve saved

570 animal lives

5171 kg co2

1589 square meters of rain forest

2 373 453 litres of water

In the time I’ve been on a vegan diet.



I was a vegan for 10 years and it was good. I went back to regular diet when Covid hit and the provider didn’t have time to cook especially for me. There was quite a change in me as I am much more appreciative and respectful of meats than I was. I value food much more highly now. My weight hasn’t changed. It stabilized when I was a vegan and has been normal ever since.

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i have celiac and that made careful with my diet. i used to and woukd like to again be vegetarian but at the moment i got in the habit of eating meat again

My family raised me vegetarian … we’ve been veggie for centuries but my bro broke that he eats meat… and a couple of my cousins…

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I’m not a vegetarian and I’m definitely not vegan but I’ve been consuming less meat and meat products lately.
I don’t think I could become a vegetarian.

I tried becoming a full fledged vegetarian years ago and I lasted only a couple of days :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I tried it for 3 years but gave in. I wasn’t on meds at the time and thought veganism would help my schizophrenia, but sadly it made things worse.

It’s sad we have to kill to survive, but that’s the way Mother Nature is.

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When my dad butchers an animal he shoots it in the head. That way it dies instantly. It’s humane. Also our animals are well fed and sheltered


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