Are you sensitive?

I’m not sure who I am anymore.

I’ve become so cold.

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I feel as though I can be selfish

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I’ve learned not to be too sensitive over the years.

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I’d say I’m a pretty sensitive guy.

For the record, @mermaid1, I think you’re a sweetheart, maybe not as cold as you think you are. :hugs:

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I’ve become a bit cold and selfish. But only because I was left to fend for myself when I most needed help. Eventually I became like the people I hated.


I feel the same way.

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Thank you :kissing_heart:


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It’s not our fault we are surrounded by idiots.

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Yes. 1515151515

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I’m not hypersensitive like I used to be. But I am sensitive to others feelings and my own and stuff. Probably a disadvantage in life but it’s probably a good thing to be sensitive at the end of the day. Can’t really say why because it never gets u anything but it just seems like a more natural and nice position to have.

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I am sensitive. I live for those moments that take my breath away and make me cry. However, I can very tough on myself and others. I can be very mean. Not proud of that.

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Did u cry when Leo from titanic froze and sunk


No. Never heard of Leo the Titanic.

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I did :joy::rofl:

15 cha

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I did the first time but I was seven.
Armageddon gets me every time though :sob:

Honestly I tear up at happy endings a lot but rarely sad ones except the end of Armageddon.


Water ship down makes me cry


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