Are you OK with who you are?

Like Popeye, I yam who I yam.




yes im ok with me. I used to be an awful person wen I was younger but im doing better now, I wont let the past define me


I try to be OK with who I am. There’s definitely room for improvement :sweat_smile:

The problem is, the older I get, the more things about me come to the surface that I have to deal with. It never seems to end.


The path to self acceptance can be tough but the payoff is sweet liberating truth.


In honestly, no i’m not okay with who i am. I’m overweight with poor motivation. I have a great deal of apathy when it comes to just getting the basics of life done. My concentration is cognition has suffered from this illness. I feel stupid and i feel ugly. I find myself thinking back to simpler times and wishing i could go back there again. :cry:


I’m not okay with what I am. I want to always be striving for as much as my body and mind will allow.

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Let’s compare notes. Me… Apathy and goals - I’m hopeless on that. Fat and ugly - I’m indisputably fat, my stomach is huge and I have man tits as for ugly I don’t think so if you can excuse my extreme beard dandruff caused by my rampant psoriasis. My concentration is good but I’m totally unable to follow through on anything. As for thinking about simpler times and wishing to go back there I do that sometimes but in the here and now I with great luck totally gave my heart to a wonderful woman and to my surprise I now have everything to live for. Truth discovered? Give unconditional love and expect the unexpected… Unconditional love.


You can accept who you are and still believe you need improvement. Accepting yourself is an understanding of your situation and not hiding from it. The second is about making things better.


No, I’m not okay with who I am.

I’m schizophrenic and physically disabled. I’m stuck at home all day, working from home. I can’t contribute to the society in any way possible. I can’t go to university because I’m scared that people are going to hurt me (I was abused at school). I don’t think I can consider myself a citizen in this country, even. People hate schizophrenics here so it just makes me feel that I’m less of a person, just a living thing with a physical body. I’m nothing and I’m disgusting.

I just want to die sometimes. I feel like I’m nothing but a worthless piece of crap.


I’m definitely ok with who I am !!



My heart goes out to you @anon10648258. My mom like you had a tough life but found a way. She was struck my muscular tuberculosis as a young child and became a paraplegic because of it. After the disease had its way she was less than 4 feet tall. After many years of struggle she met my father who she fell in love with and then a few years later gave birth to my brother and me. My mom and Dad were wonderful loving parents to me. She had a good life although always a struggle after that. My father was schizophrenic and it was passed on to me. Life is a struggle for everyone but the the road is much harder for some of us. I believe that love holds a secret magical power that can transform life for the better for anyone. The thing with love is that the more you give the more you get. It grows like a watered plant in the sunshine. Please don’t give up hope and remain open to the healing power of love. Your suffering like the millions of others who have suffered before you (and my mom and dad and me) is a kind of badge of honour - we have taken some of the worse that life can throw at us and have prevailed. The best of everything to you.


I was a terrible person when I was younger, and a bad friend.

I feel like in some ways, karma has already collected its debts.

I am okay with who I am now, but I wish I was stronger and braver. At least I’m kind and compassionate now, compared to the old me.


I think there are things I’d like to work on…


I don’t know how to receive love. I love to give to others and offer love, but I don’t know how to love myself. Love seems impossible for me to receive.
I’m just so ashamed of my disabilities. I hate that I’m schizophrenic.
I just feel so ashamed. I hate myself.

But your mother is absolutely a beautiful lady and a great parent. I’m sometimes amazed by my fellow friends who are mothers with a disability.

I’m just so tired of living. Thank you for letting me that I’m worth it though- I was talking to my friends on Instagram about this the other day and it’s something I need to fix. But it just eats away at me deeply.


Hmm that’s tough. I am okay with a lot of the parts of myself that I didn’t used to be okay with. But there are certainly still parts of me that need to change. Some of which I am working to change and others that I am terrified to confront. Lots of grey area.

I would say I am mostly okay with who I am as a person. Though lately, I’ve found myself wishing that others were more okay with who I am too:/


Yes. But people around me maybe not.


No, I’m too lazy for my own good.
I need to step it up, do more physical exercise and be more goal-oriented.
I daydream a lot.


Me too. 15151515


I’ve had the same problem in the past, I would always focus on what the person beside me needed and wanted, and I would also wait for my parents or friends to tell me what I needed to do. I didn’t practice standing on my own two feet and taking decisions. I am now working to improve myself in that respect.