Are you left or right handed

  • Left handed
  • Right handed

0 voters

I’m a lefty


you’re a lefty? you should play baseball, you’d be worth 200 million dollars as a baseball player. all the best baseball players are lefties.

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Lol I dont think so now I have sz I’m as slow and uncoordinated as anything lol



I’m right handed.

Right handed.


I’m ambidextrous. Favor left in most cases.


Its weird because I always thought that majority of schizophrenic people where left handed due to difference in brain structure but I guess I’m wrong lol

I’m left handed.

im right handed but could use my left hand pretty well when i played basketball, could dribble with my left shoot with my left accurately, in fact most of the time i had the tendency to go left. other than that i do everything right handed

I’m right handed.

When I try to do things like writing with my left hand, it looks like a 5 year old learning to write for the first time.

Neither. I’m about in the middle.

I’m right handed except for bat sports where I’m left handed.

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As an instrumentalist of music, I am quite ambidextrous.

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Love learning new words!


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