Are you happy with your life?

Where is the thread to go to when things are going in a non-positive direction. Everyone seems to want to smiley face everything, but sometimes sh*t ain’t like that


I am happy with my life at the moment!


Kind of dissociation symptoms


I’m content with my life since I’m on an ad. I don’t focus much on the long-term, but focus on the next week. I’m grateful for my family, having a roof over my head, food on the table and interesting things to read. Life isn’t all bad.


i learned to accept my life is the way it is and that it will not improve much and that i should live with the issues i have. I find it easier these days though… i used to blame my mum for putting me on this world but i learned that it’s not really her fault and that i should try to enjoy small things even when having not that great a life.


I hope it’s not permanent. My pdoc told me to exercise and that’s what I am going to do to see if it helps. If it doesn’t help she will prescribe to me Zoloft.


I used to blame my parents for giving me sz genes.


I am on a ton of psych meds and I don’t care because they and God are responsible for my perfect life. I am very content, tranquil and at peace.


I’d settle for content, I would never blame my parents bc they didn’t want me to get ill, they wanted me to be successful its just not worked out that way and things change,

I am a bit better than before but I am working on appreciating my life more, i try to do things that i enjoy but then I’m not sure if it is fulfilling enough,

Its like my glass has a little water in it and no matter how much i pour into my glass i could never get it to fill to a level where i am content and it is fulfilling :frowning: i think my glass has a crack in it.


Same here, but times aren’t bad for me. I think people are spreading vicious rumors about me, but as long as I watch my back I’ll be okay. … I got in a fight with this maniac a long time ago. He was very drunk, so I got the better of him, but since then he has been telling everyone I raped a baby, which is absolutely untrue. He says that to everyone who goes to his house. He has done hard time, and to me he is someone I am content to stay away from. People are stupid for believing what he says.


i am content too .

i am pretty happy with my life.

i was happiest in the country side in perfect home with my x and his dogs i adore as they are my family and favourites and im a country gal but i had to leave to be true to myself because he wouldnt “let me” go vegan.
i left a pretty perfect home and family to be a vegan and preferably a animal rights activist and environment activist too.he is my favourite.

i love my boyfriend i have now too.i enjoy spending my weekends with him and appreciate him.

i have beautiful food to eat, i have a nice place to live, i have fur babies, i have loved ones.

i want to start exercising, live out in the country again, be a activist and a few more things but im pretty happy with my life.there is room for improvement. :0 :slight_smile:

i do not have depression except sooooometimes late afternoon before bedtime a tiny bit.

im doing pretty well.

i am grateful too.


Currently, my life is just “okay.”
I try to make efforts to improve that scz life.
It’s complicated because of negative symptoms and anxiety of course.
By doing activities, (and taking Sertraline.) I’m getting better but it tires me a lot, like many of us here.


I am happy that I have some time off of work. I don’t have restless nights on the clozapine so far has been a welcome improvement. Feeling like everything I have is hacked is stressful at times. My cognition is best on clozapine so far I think.


I’m not (at this point in time) and I definitely feel like I should be and don’t have good reason to not be happy with it. It causes me guilt.


That’s so sad.Karma,I would say all are suffering could be because of careless or evil stuff we do in our life before.Hope good karma comes after all the suffering

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I’d say that life is medium good :relaxed:! I could make a list of this and that I’d like to see change (I actually have to do that quarterly for my ACT team) but actually in comparison to many people in the world, illness or not, my standard of living is more like a king than a pauper. Like I heard someone say “There’s a lot of things to complain about if you want to.”

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i have days that are fullfilling like after a long hike and a good meal, then i have days where i am empty inside, like yesterday, i have little social interaction other than with parents, i don’t even think a girlfriend or job would help me much, or friends, i feel like i don’t have the energy for friends either.

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I’m ok. I have one kid doing pretty good in this world and one kid struggling. I don’t have any idea how to help the kid that’s struggling. She’s always struggled and I’ve always failed her. I don’t know how I could ever be happy in this life knowing something like that. But, I carry on living the best life I can and things are ok.

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It certainly does feel that way sometimes. I’m not sure I believe in past lives, but in my own life I have made many messes, and what I am experiencing now is maybe fate coming home to roost

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IMO,it’s the mess we did in our current life that we suffer,if we do things better,more kindness and more hard work maybe we don’t have this illness which causes suffering