Are you easily influenced?

Every time I bring something up about myself my parents say I get it from YouTube or the TV or movies. Like I’m very impressionable. It pisses me off very much. I can’t watch conspiracy theories because I get paranoid. Like my mom says i become them. Examples include groundhog day or edge of tomorrow.

So are you easily influenced/impressionable?


Oh yeah. I subconsciously take on the characteristics of my favorite fictional characters. :stuck_out_tongue:
I also pay way too much attention to conspiracy theories.


I used to be. I fell hook line and sinker for all that conspiracy crap before I was diagnosed. Not so much anymore.


More than I would like.
Less than what I know.


Very well-said @anon1571434. Can’t think of anything to add to that.:grinning:

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I used to be like this. Every time I would read a good book or movie, I would begin to act or think like a character, for a while after, like they somehow get into my head. I’m not so much like this, anymore.
However, when I watch or read about things that really interest or inspire me, one of those things being conspiracy theories, I can’t get them out of my head. I’m just consumed by it for days, weeks, or more.
Must be a schizo thing, idk.


I’m influenced by people styles and ways of talking but not by what they say, I like to watch conspiracy theories because I can clearly see their faults, stupidity and why their arguments and affirmations are wrong.

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I’m way too easily influenced.

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I absorb mannerisms and speaking patterns of my favorite characters but Idk if I’m impressionable?

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When psychotic my subconscious leaked out all over the place. I didn’t realize it till later that I was talking whole ideas out of movies as if I’d made them up. A very unnerving experience!

These days I’m carved from stone. I have to have a pretty hard mindset to keep myself together but I’m warm and genuine to most folk. I do my own thing however! I’ve always gravitated to like minded individuals so I think that helps!

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They say I am, (the devil? The hive mind? Is the devil just a hive mind or is he different?) because I was arguing and saying I am strong, and they say I am weak because my will is weak I am very easily swayed and that makes me a good target. A good toy? A tool? Food? All of the above?

Maybe it’s true my will is weak. Is my will weak? How does one determine the strength of their will?

By what you make it through everyday.

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I’m a little bit impressionable, yeah. I tend to unwillingly copy mannerisms from those near me, or characters I see a lot during binge-watches of shows (I’m currently re-re-re-re-watching House)
but it seems to have lessened a bit as I’ve gotten older.

I’m easily swayed, though. If I have an opinion about something and it’s not a strong opinion, someone with compelling and logical arguments might easily get me to change my view on it.
I don’t see it as weakness as much as a flexibility.

I am easily influenced by my own thoughts :wink:

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