Are you due for one? Are you getting it?
My parents recently got theirs.
My six months is up on 11/4/2021 and I will probably get mine shortly thereafter.
I imagine a lot of people are about due for one.
Are you due for one? Are you getting it?
My parents recently got theirs.
My six months is up on 11/4/2021 and I will probably get mine shortly thereafter.
I imagine a lot of people are about due for one.
I think I’m due also.
You’re right, probably a lot of us are.
My neighbor got it and she was terribly sick.
Of course she’s 80 and had her flu shot the same week which you’re not supposed to do.
I’ll contact my pharmacy and see when I can come in.
And remind my husband to do the same.
I’m due, not sure if I qualify for it or not
I’ve been on the cdc website and one of the risk factors of worse outcome is schizophrenia(and I think related diseases), so you probably qualify based on that. Other risk factors included diabetes, smoking…and a whole bunch others that I can’t remember.
I got mine earlier than the 6 months. I’m a lymphoma survivor and considered immunocompromised, so I was eligible sooner.
I got my booster this month and so did my dad and stepmom.
This link lists the people with “certain medical conditions”. I think anyone 18 and older with those conditions qualifies.
In the U.S., for folks who got the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine, anyone 18 and older is eligible for a booster as long as it’s been 2 months or more since they got the J&J vaccine. This is because the single-dose J&J vaccine is not as effective as the 2-dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Also, mix and match vaccines are approved in the U.S. This means that you can opt to have a booster of a different vaccine than the one you originally got.
This is particularly important for those who originally got the J&J vaccine since an NIH study showed that getting an mRNA booster (either Pfizer or Moderna) may be better than getting the J&J booster.
Excellent point @Moonbeam . My posts only covered the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Same here.
My six months is up on 11/4/2021
I will get my booster around that time.
Just got my booster appointment. The 21st of November
I just got my booster a couple days ago
In Canada they authorized the use of Pfizer as a booster only 2 days ago.
It hasn’t been 6 months since my last shot, I won’t be eligible until December 22nd. I will be getting my booster when eligible. However my first shot was Astrazeneca, my second shot was Pfizer and I want my third shot to be Moderna (If I am given a choice).
@Moonbeam I mixed and matched here in Canada, and I want to mix and match further if they let me.
I think this is a great idea. My first 2 were Moderna, and my booster was Pfizer. Some believe mixing them helps for better protection
Yeah, some other diseases are vaccinated against using a couple shots that are slightly different to improve effectiveness. In the field of vaccinology mixing and matching can lead to higher efficacy, that’s what I hoping to benefit from.
It’s all theoretical though, I haven’t read any studies on an Astrazeneca/Pfizer/Moderna mix.
I did read about a study on the BBC about mixing Astrazeneca/Pfizer and the protection is really good. Pfizer/Pfizer gives a higher antibody response, but Astrazeneca/Pfizer produces a better t-cell response.
Yeah I got the AstraZeneca for my first two shots. My leaflet for my booster shot says it will be Pfizer or Moderna
Thanks for the reminder! I just scheduled my booster for November 29th. The CDC says schizophrenia is considered an underlying condition
At the day centre I attend they had a Covid outbreak. I’m going for a booster soon.
I already got mine
My parents both got the booster shot. I spoke to my doctor about it and he said it is mostly recommended for people over the age of 60. However, it is possible that in 6 months or so, the vaccine will become less effective so I might take the booster shot within that time frame. I have had the two doses of Pfizer, not the booster yet.