Are we trans human?

Transhuman , or trans-human , is the concept of an intermediary form between human and post human In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans.[2] These abilities might include improved intelligence, awareness, strength, or durability. Transhumans appear in science-fiction, sometimes as cyborgs or genetically-enhanced humans.

As a medicated sz patient do you think our medication make us trans human.

  • Yes we are trans human
  • No we are regular one

0 voters

Don’t know that one.

What I do know is when symptoms are bad, I can believe some pretty wild things about ascension.

We are regular degular humans. Though I would personally sign up for cybernetic upgrades in a heartbeat if they became safely available. I would get a bionic shoulder to replace my busted one.


I don’t comprehend the topic,
but i would say we are ordinary beings

We are human. And that’s good enough.

I mean, I do believe that different people have different skills that can APPEAR superhuman at times. Starlet, because of his pattern recognition skills and history of trauma, is very good at being able to make guesses about things. In september 2019 he told me we needed 20 hand sanitizers and a bulk pack of n95 masks. It is a common joke amongst foster parents that out kids might be psychic, just because their survival has depended on their ability to plan for emergencies and adapt to situations.

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He’s in a good place. Much support.

Grandmother convinced me my psychotic symptoms were because I was psychic during my teens and 20s.

Wasn’t until after she died did I feel comfortable enough to seek treatment.

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Yeah in foster care it’s like “Can your kid read minds, predict the future, or teleport?” Just because common survival skills developed in abusive homes are the ability to anticipate moods/behavior from others based on body language, the ability to recognize patterns and be able to quickly guess what might happen next, and the ability to move without making sounds.

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I don’t believe I’m human in the first place :sweat_smile:. But my rational self is committed to the whole transhumanist ethos. Seen from that angle I see very little that is trans about sz.

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I dont believe in human either I think people are humanized and dehumanized. Human is essentially an antiprimitivist ideal, same as transhumanism. I think i would enjoy a more primitivist existence not doing maths or learning grammar or even written language.

Whether szs on meds are transhuman i would say absolutely not.

I voted no. However in San Diego there is a transhumanist movement. It includes people with prosthetic limbs. I used to tease my mom saying she’s a cyborg because of her pacemaker. Not the nicest thing to do but it was playful banter. She knows I love her. The transhumanist movement is about sorta finding acceptance. They’re like the world’s first cyborgs. I’m not sure that’s accepted or viewed as derogatory but I’ve seen some articles try to paint the word in a good light. There are many veterans in the San Diego area as well. I saw a parking space reserved for wounded veterans near the Best Buy yesterday. Goodness knows they deserve that and much more.

Neither? I’m definitely not more advanced. I’m not even regular. I can hardly function… What does that make me?

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