Are we the same person throughout our lives? In essence, yes

According to the UCM researcher, alterations in the perception of the self may underlie various personality disorders such as bipolar disorder and narcissistic personality, and even other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression.


That’s strange. I posted this in the news category but the category is blank :thinking:

It is right to say “psychological user ID” instead of self-awareness,remains stable under all conditions even under the effect and coexistence with the living parasitical health condition be called sz ,this means that there is no any mutation can be happened to the ID of the psychological user whatever the mutational factor is !
and this is the evidence which prove that the sz is not a result of genetic disease or genetic mutation at all because the person remains the same person and not change to another !

Even if the psychotic factor (hallucination) has linking with the human psychological self and becomes a part from the human self and coexists with it in its time /place and interferes with it throughout its functions ,all of this does not change the ID of the psychological user ,he remains the same person from the birthday until the death

anyone raised with a direction in life and then came down with SZ? I had no direction myself. My parents were not commnicators. Only thought I should live the 9-5 life. They just assumed I would follow their path.

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I am not the same person anymore after my sz.

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I was a better and smarter person before sz.

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The goal is always to improve. I’ve definitely become a better person. I went from good to great. You should always strive to improve. It’s a worthy goal.

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Knock and you shall receive. The door is always open.

It’s a weird phenomenon to try and explain whether or not a person’s self changes, I completely lost my self with sz, but I get tiny moments where I remember how I once was, bits of me shine through this flat face mask. I would not say I’m the same, I got on a derailed roller coaster ride to a detour through a wasteland lol.

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One humongous change that evolved in me, is that I don’t embarrass or humiliate easily at all.

I can’t believe I’m the same 15 year old who was too embarrassed to ask his parents for a stereo.

(drawing here from the fact of life that music taste can be embarrassing, at least that’s a belief of mine).

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never feel any difference the fact it was me, by a name or by ginder, but every thing else may have change around me. rolling with the life styles and ages.

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Read it, because I am intrigued by the topic. “Essence” though caught my attention because it’s “fluffy”. Or, abstract.

Critically of me(due to coffee? due to insomnia?) I must offer that I found the article lacking any pay-offs.

There’s some hope I suppose in the statement that the “sense of oneself is preserved and helps our understanding of human nature”(!!).

BUT at the same time, in the same breath even, it admits attitudes, beliefs, personality traits, even values change. So what is essence then?

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