Are they working on medication that cure scz completly?

r they working on medication that cure scz completely ?
or we just dreaming
anywhere i read they say mind is complicated machine we dont fully understand scz
what the hell?

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No, you need meds for life.


They are working on antipsychotics with less side effects and something for negative symptoms.
They don’t know how to cure scz yet.


They probably could make a cure, but if they just treat symptoms they have lifelong customers of expensive meds.

Do you think that States like to give money to pharmaceutical companies and that every researcher would hide the truth?

I think that pharmaceutical companies and government people alike are more corrupted by currency than actually driven to help anyone.

Then why do we have many vaccines and cures for many disorders?

Maybe they made more money off the vaccine than meds to treat symptoms, maybe they every now and then push a cure through to give an illusion that they care at all about the average persons health. And there are many disorders that are only cured if meds are taken forever, which to me is not a cure it’s an infinite bill. But what do I know I’m just a mental patient lol.

Hope so, that would great. Lets just pray. But be happy thats theres medication for us. Its just a pill, like multivitamin. Thats how think of it. Multivitamin for my brain.