I never thought about it, but every day sentences appear in my head that are not mine, but creature’s that I also see every day. I don’t think I can stop them. What do you think they are?
One angle to it or the first step is thinking they come from your own system. I myself have not tried this myself, but might give it a go. So yeah, my experience is 100% me.
I dont understand
These are your own imagination in the nutshell.
Someone else? 1662
They’re illogical/unreal thoughts. Try Clozapine, its the most effective antipsychotic.
I am on clozapine
Tell your Dr, maybe he will up your dose. Otherwise just try to ignore these thoughts by being busy like doing a hobby.
It doesn’t work, they are always there
Then dont let them depress you and if you get depressed, tell your Dr so he prescribes antidepressants.
Sounds like crap. My sympathys. x
Sounds like inserted thoughts. I get them a lot from Alien but I don’t see him. I can’t stop him either.
Honestly… you know that phrase… “Things dont get better, you just get better at dealing with things.” … yes
That’s soooo like me, I understand you
Intrusive thoughts
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