Are there things fuelling this disease? bare with me scroll too the bottom

please bare with me, there is so much going on recently
i dont think you are blind too it, i could be screaming on individual bases.
please give me a sign that im not the only one that is recieving such messages

listen 2 the lyrics see the visuals

please bare with me, there is so much going on recently
i dont think you are blind too it, i could be screaming on individual bases.
please give me a sign that im not the only one that is recieving such messages
some things are religious.

i just dont know atm, are these things just artist expressions?
if so why they all lead 2 the same thing.

if you want 2 add go ahead and post


If your suffering from positive symptoms you can get messages from all forms of media. You get messages from all sorts of lifetime events including getting up and walking around.

It isnt’ magical and it’s no fun! It’s the brain dealing with some seriously focked up brain chemistry!

Look up Frames/ Ideas of reference. It’s a common thing and it’s ultimately something that those with schizophrenia suffer from . It isn’t a slight on you…it’s the positive symptoms of a brain disorder…

Don’t take chemicals other than the doctor gives you and be honest with your treatment team about the messages your receiving…seriously…you shouldn’t be getting anything out of Lana Del Rey songs other than some pop goodness…( I do like some of her stuff but it’s not a profound thing! )

A friend in the struggle, Rogueone.


srry it all bad, yet apperently bad makes great music

ok, you found the bottom,

i dunno pop songs these days have an odd ring too it.

please comment if you think otherwise

people are sleeping…
sleeping for the signs…

ignorant, they dont know better…