Applied for a jerb

So I just applied for a landscaping job down on the other side of the neighborhood. These jobs are everywhere during summer and they pay under the table, hopefully this one does too.

“Hopefully” because I’m a little worried about them taking some of my salary and putting it into taxes because, you know, I’d lose my disability then. Then I’d lose all kinds of opportunities.

God damn it Dad why did you pressure me into this. Last time you tried to help you cost me my insurance. EFFFING IDIOT! Yeah not, gonna apply for any more jobs now.


dude they won’t kick you off of disability unless you start earning more than what your disability is worth more or less…

so relax on that… disability should get you on medicare after a year of being a recipient… so you should get in touch with Social Security/Medicare… you may have to pay a higher premium if you didn’t opt in from the get go…

then get a part C… with dental and vision and help with scripts and copays and all that… it’s like 35 on top of the medicare… all taken out of you disability payments automagically…

make sure you document you paystubs with the SSA app… chyu’ll be alright man… the work will be good for you… so will the extra $$$… you can get that computer and what not…

either way… you don’t have to take the jerb even if they decide they want to hire you…

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I remember them saying I can only work a certain amount of hours. Not sure if it was SSA or SSD since I’m on both.

And I was on medicaid from the beginning and then my Dad had to come and screw it up over a year ago by putting me on his insurance after I told him not to several times. So they cancelled my medicaid and put me on medicare and taking money out of my checks and leaving me with no money at all.

Now I’ve gotten off his insurance and now I’m still considered on it through medicaid and their insurance providers. Which are free by the way because it’s medicaid, so you can see why I want it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that these jobs I apply for are long hours and long weeks. So much that they definitely go over the allowed amount of time to work.

sounds like a frustrating situation bro…

I’d definitely… try to get part time work at first…

it’s likely a rule for the supplemental income not disability benefits… how you got on both I have no idea… maybe they are inconsistent state to state. Or perhaps there is a dollar amount of disability benefits that disqualifies one from receiving the supplemental income…

That might be true as the lady at the office said she can put me on both to bring me “above the poverty” level of income if I wanted her to.

Yeah I’m just applying for places that I might think pay under the table.

It takes 2 years on disability to get Medicare…I know cuz I start Medicare in June.

I’m gonna miss free prescriptions but my pdoc doesn’t take Medicaid but he takes Medicare…fancy Doctor…so yeah I’m going on Medicare.

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The system is all screwed up, because for most of us, going off of disability and working full time

will not pay as much as being on it, and working part time. The last 6 or 7 years I’ve been doing part time jobs, and staying on the MEPD program, Medicaid for Employed Persons with Disabilities.

Recently I started a part time nights cleaning job at a school here in town, but after a few weeks of me being there, the school decided to switch cleaning companies, and they had no where else for me to go, so I lost the job.

Now I’m looking again. Like it when I can on Indeed, and apply in one click with my resume. I just applied for Inventory Specialist Security job that is supposedly here in town, I’m thinking it might be McDonald’s, but not sure. It’s full time, and I’d have to go off of disability.

Good luck with getting the landscaping job, since getting that extra sunshine is good vitamin D.

also, if anyone on disability would like to earn a little bit of money this summer,

the security companies are also looking for temporary guards for events all over your city,
like the air show, the county fair, the arts festivals, etc.

You can work a few days or up to a week at a time, and give you some cash.

I’m only getting a job because my Dad shames me into it. He doesn’t listen, he just makes excuses for my ignorance. And not like excuses where it’s OK to be me, it’s excuses like if you’re not thinking something, then you must have something wrong with you. Especially if you’re thinking about other things you enjoy. I’ve never once shared something pleasant with him that he didn’t shoot down because of some other reason.

he just wants you to be productive, healthy and happy.

you’ll understand if you have kids someday.

What’s the point of being productive if I go into a relapse. I don’t even know if that’s what’s going to happen, it’s just a possibility. And a possibility I make a decision off of on MY life. If I wanted someone telling me how to make my life better I’d join a cult or move to a dictorial ruled country. I’m the only one who has to live with the consequences of having to live a life I don’t like. I don’t put that burdon on anyone else. I didn’t birth me, I didn’t tell my Dad to give me life, I didn’t tell my Mom to have some kids then run away. I didn’t tell a degenerative diseases to creep up behind me and ruin any life I had prior it’s arrival.

But you know what I did do, I quit doing drugs, I started exercising and taking my meds. I listened to trained professionals advice who know about this stuff and took it easy to prevent a relapse against my family’s wishes. I started talking with people who have an appreciation for me at proper moments and can control their level of involvement in my business without getting upset.

My family may want the best, but they don’t always know the best.

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Sorry, I’m ranting.

You’re a good writer. well said.

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Canvassing for the Dems starts on June 4th in my area. I’ve always done it.

It pays about $12 an hour, and you feel good about it.

I just applied.

Thank you. I’m always afraid to say things like this because I’m afraid of backlash. Don’t want to be hounded for things I believe.[quote=“Daze, post:14, topic:49950”]
Canvassing for the Dems

This sounds nice. What does this job entail? Does it pay under the table?

No, it’s taxed, and I hope they’ve changed it this year, cuz

the money is put on a money card instead of your bank account.
I’m not bad at it, just some rude people, and scary dogs, sometimes, ha.

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Do you deal with the public?

yeah, it’s door to door,

some phone bank, it’s for early voting, or absentee.
It’s kind of cool, you use a phone for your data,

sign them up, then the ballot is mailed to them.

Interesting. Is this for Voting Primaries?

I think we’ll start out just getting their opinions and on who they favor,

get them in our database, then come back around in the fall to see if they want to vote early.
Yeah, it’s the presidential election though, the actual one, and not caucus.

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