My meds have been reduced from Abilify 20mg to 15mg…
I find It’s making me irritable, skittish and confrontational. I haven’t been myself lately and would like to apologize for some of my aggressive posts over the last week or so.
Just wanted to air this out. No reply is necessary.
It’s okay. You did warn us you had reduced your meds. I hope you feel better soon. Being irritable is no fun.
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thanks @cj9556…
I can do better. And I will.
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Hope you feel better soon. I’m very familiar with irritability and know how hard it can be to control it sometimes… it sucks.
And ■■■■ you auto-correct!

Hey there, I havent noticed! LOL although I do notice when I skip doses of Abilify I am irritable too, but I will find a new medication some time soon. I had to apologize to a couple people recently after stress made me skip medication both ADHD meds and the abilify so I was definitely out of sync for a day.
I miss your caption contests
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