AP withdrawal itchiness is so annoying

So in the past i quit quetiapine which made me so itchy, no i stopped haloperidol depot and makes me itch, not so much, but is constant

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Why did you stop taking it?

I stopped haloperidol 3 months ago, Started Invega 2 weeks after 2 weeks of the last dose of haldol.

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Oh wow. Even with another AP you’re still going through withdrawals?! That’s awful! I feel so bad for you

AP’s are classified into different substances, sure they often block the same or a bit different dopamine and serotonin inhibitors, you still need to adjust to a new substance and withdraw from previous substance

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The withdrawal of antipsychotics is unexplainable. When I quit geodon I went through a hell of withdrawals that had never happened on any other antipsychotics I’d tried.before. No one has tried that before so I can only explain that with that I had been taking it fot 20 years and the mix of 3 ap. maybe interactions between the drugs.
nb I’ll try not to write to many post about going off pills. I make things worse for people by doing so.
And my happy message is that at 750mg seroquel my meds no longer dulls my cognition so I’ve settled on 750 mgs Seroquel because that seems as a perfect fit to me.

Geodon is a bit notorious for bad withdrawal.

Also zombie thread.