Anyone with Tinnitus?

I’ve got it in my left ear, a light ringing. It might be related to my TMJ on that side. It still acts up, if you imagine scissors with a loose screw getting snagged overlapping the wrong way as you close the scissors, then suddenly realigning and slamming shut. This happens with the left side of my jaw if I don’t eat slowly. Anyway I really only notice the tinnitus when everything else is silent, like when going to sleep.

I was interested to find out that tinnitus is not a problem with the ear itself, but rather the brain. I think that’s what I read.

Me too. My brother and I both have really bothersome tinnitus.
We both really hate it. My brother personally has a higher level of tinnitus than me and he has told me that he can’t study because of it.

This is rather insignificant, but I typed an error above, I have TMJ on the right side, no the left. So it’s probably not related to the tinnitus.

I hear clicking noises sometimes. I used to believe things about it but my pdoc told me it was tinnitus.

a common cause is low iron. Have you been skipping out on meat recently? a multivitamin with iron in it should help if that is the case…also spinach

I’ve had it for 10+ years, and it gets worse for me as time passes. Occasionally (4 times a week?), I will get a split-second where the volume of everything just drops to near-silence, and then this blaring high-hertz ring will reverberate through my head so loudly and suddenly that’s it’s physically painful, and a few times it’s dropped me to my knees. Very rarely can I even not verbally react somehow. It’s horrible when that happens. It lasts for about 10 seconds, then quickly fades. When that’s not happening, they’re ringing all the time, and it’s more noticeable at night when trying to fall asleep. A white noise machine helps tremendously. The more I focus on it, the more I hear it (like right now).

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