Anyone want to speak Spanish with me?

es importante para el palabra “ingles” y inglés. ingles significa groin en espanol :smiley:

I will write in Englishe because this is funny, I had a dream where my high school maths class were being tested by British intelligence (in this case a woman) and she was telling us that we knew nothing and were just useless philosophers. There were some “Black British” students who were attending, and they were protesting that is was all just word salad, but she ended up by saying that we had to study economics and business first. A Chinese mathematician rose and said “A contradiction is a unity of opposites and a cute” and my blonde class mate who fancied himself as best in the class went white with fear. Hope that’s not racist, it is a real dream I had, I get disturbing dreams sometimes :frowning:

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has vivido en espana antes? quizas has visitado espana para vacaciones? me encanta espana, quizas, un día viviré en Galicia el tierra del mar y montanas. me gustaria eso!

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Creo en mi vivir antes, pero quien sabes, no se. (By the way, my computer doesn’t have an altgr so I’ll have to install a keyboard, I was kind of hoping the computer would start to live a life of its own :slight_smile: What is the difference between Duolingo and Google Translate in your opinion? Hope that’s not too deep a question :frowning:

pues, duoling esta bien para practicando espanol. solo uso google translate para translador palabras que no sé. puedes usar google translate para ejercicios en el idioma?

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I don’t trust either of them, Duolingo because it seems to be programming me and Google Translate because it’s rubbish.

no necesitas confiar en ambos. Simplemente puedes practicar con ellos.

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Creo, yo no hacer revealar algun secreta, creo la hente intelligente sabes todos todavia :frowning:

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Que significar confiar? Yo realamente creo la machina vivir.

confiar significa to trust.

Has leido los libros por Iain m Banks? En “la cultura” hay inteligente artificial.maquinas en espacio quien son utopian y son anarquistas. Los computadores tienen vidas.

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Solo leer “La Algebraista” como la researcher and the gas giant, do you want me to give the ending away?

By the way, I am told it takes years to become literate in Chinese, I am an old man, or at least half way to my grave :frowning:

yo tambien. Tengo cuarenta siete anos. Nunca parar aprendiendo!

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Gracias Labramat


te puedo pedir si tu vives en espana? @Katherine85 :slight_smile:

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Sí. Vivo en España

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vivia en madrid en 2002. He trabajado alli y en Benidorm con las ingleses borrachos. Jaja!

Vives en el norte, centro o el sur?

Necesito practicar mi espanol lo siento si te estoy molestando.

Por supuesto

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Vivo en el norte, en Girona. Muy cerca de Francia.


¿Verdad? Yo no lo supe!!!