Anyone wanna chat?

im bored and open to chat :slight_smile:

hey @HuckFinn I just got up and am drinking coffee. what’s on your mind?

I am still starting up for the day as well, having my two dear cups of coffee :slight_smile: What time is it over there, what have you been up to?

Good profile man…

Interesting lesson…

It’s 20 til midnight here. I go batty at night living alone

man, when I lived alone I was always up late at night. I was a mess when I lived alone. I’m sorry you are alone.

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Lol. Ty. Who do you live with now?

I live with my girlfriend, Angie and our two dogs. I live in Oklahoma. Angie isn’t schizophrenic but I used to be married to another schizophrenic and there was an understanding being with another MI person that I don’t have now but Angie does her best to understand me. She works a lot so I am alone most days but I am learning to make the best of it.

Appreciated. I hope to find a sweet soul

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I believe you will find your sweet soul. do you date on P O F ? I found Angie that way.

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:coffee: and :smoking: time


I might wait til I’m 80 tho…

i didnt have great luck on pof.

youre a day ahead right @minnii ?

@Minnii me too. I plan on stopping smoking soon though. I am enjoying them while I have them. you are so pretty !

@HuckFinn why wait if you want someone you can find them !!

yea im joking. i quit smoking about a year ago

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good on you! I decided quite a while ago that I’d quit once graduated, that will be this month and I’m getting cold feet.

@HuckFinn It’s day 6 of February here :smile:

@jukebox thank you :blush: I want to quit… But it’s still in the wanting part.

the one girl from pof was just out of rehab and looked 40 years older than her pics…

yea Minnii may be one of the prettiest sz ever…