Snus is tobacco you put under your lip, usually your upper lip. It comes in pouches, or loose. It’s very popular in Norway and Sweden, it originated in Sweden (at least I think).
I used to love snus.
How did you get that snew on your shirt?
No, I can’t imagine the concept. Thinking of it makes me nauseous.
I tried something like it
Nicotine salts in a bag that you put under your lip called zyn
I have on nicotine pouches for when I’m desperate.
I used to dip snuff but those Zyn pouches are terrible.
Lost too much gum tissue to want to continue with the snuff.
I use nicotine pouches, they’re a pretty good way to get my nicotine fix when working in a callcenter with limited breaks
zyns my fav non cig alternative
Is snus the same as snuff.
i think snuff is like ground up tobacco that u put in ur mouth and spit the liquid, snus is tobacco inside of a pouch that u put in ur cheek and u dont have to spit
Snuff was ground tobacco you snorted. It’s antique
I looked it up people still do it
I got this today. It’s non tobacco snus. The spearmint is really good. I’ve gotten the powdered snuff that you can snort as well. I put these in when I’m gaming.
You snus, you lose.
My bro used to a lot. Pretty sure it messes up your gums.
Yeah it’s apparently way less cancer risk but for regular users you get this pocket that eats into your gumline and can get pretty deep.
Honestly. Just give up nicotine. It’s benefits are soon overtaken by it’s addictive attributes so your just maintaining the nic habit. It’s good to be free of that drug and I smoked for 25 years. Best thing ever to get off that rubbish.
I just quit snus. Feeling like sheit!
Oh yes, im from Denmark where only the white nicotine pouches are sold, and i use them a lot. The white pouches do not stain or colour the teeths.
Once in a while i use the nasal kind of snus / snuff, it gives you an immediate kick
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