Anyone use minoxidil here?

My hair is starting to thicken up a bit after two months. I reckon October will be the month everything nearly fills back in.

Not using finasteride (dht blocker) cos I don’t want to mess with my hormones. So I could still end up losing entire hair follicles and go bald for real.

At the moment the hair has only thinned at the crown. I can rock a bald and bearded look, but I just want my hair back. Would love to grow it shoulder length again.

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Moved to medications.


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i use topical minoxidil as well and i have noticed my hair become thick but no hair growth so far i have been using it for 45 days. you can try topical finasteride with minoxidil also try natural dht blocker like pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto.

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